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Rushing In 2010

About Me

Member of 'The Ocean Artists Society'

The Marine Conservation Society - Helping our coastlines, oceans and marine wildlife through public interaction and on missions.

Hi friends :)
I am passionate about the world that we live in and my works try to reflect how I believe our oceans and coastlines ideally should remain, natural and revered. I try my best to support ocean awareness as much as I can and to promote our beautiful blue planet as the ocean has been so kind to me..
My intention is to capture moments in time that leave a positive memory in the viewer, to create an almost scuba diving experience of beautiful realms beneath the water’s surface. Enabling the viewer to swim amongst clean sea beds and be washed over by the ever moving tide; or brush past sea turtles and be filled with color as they pass through schools of tropical fish. It is hopefully a welcome introduction to a beautiful world deep beneath the surface for those who live nowhere near the coast or who don’t have immediate access to the sea, a world that maybe only a few are blessed to see with their own eyes.
My above water waves and seascapes try to take the viewer to a special natural place...

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